2023 年
2022 年
2021 年
2020 年
2019 年
School of Critical Studies
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
MSc Ancient Cultures
MSc Applied Linguistics
MFA/MLitt Creative Writing
MTh Church History and Theology
MSc English Language and Linguistics
MLitt English Literature
MTh Ministry, Theology and Practice
MSc Speech, Language and Sociolinguistics
MLitt Comparative Literature
MSc Translation Studies
School of Culture and Creative Arts
School of Humanities
MLitt Art History (with specialize pathways)
MSc Art History: Collecting and Provenance in an International Context
MSc Creative Industries and Cultural Policy
MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art)
MSc Film Curation
MSc Filmmaking and Media Arts
MLitt Film and Television Studies
MA Historically Informed Performance Practice
MSc Media Management
MSc Museum Studies
MSc Music Industries
MMus Musicology
MLitt Playwriting and Dramaturgy
MSc Sound Design and Audiovisual Practice
MPhil Textile Conservation
MLitt Theatre and Performance Practices
MLitt Theatre Studies
MSc Ancient Cultures
MSc Archaeology
MLitt Celtic Studies
MSc Classics and Ancient History
MSc Conflict Archaeology and Heritage
MSc Early Modern History
MSc Gender History
MSc History
MSc Information Management and Preservation
MSc Material Culture and Artefact Studies
MSc Medieval History
MSc Modern History
MSc Museum Studies
MSc Philosophy
MSc Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
MSc Scottish History
MSc War Studies
School of Law
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
LLM Corporate and Financial Law
LLM Intellectual Property
LLM International Commercial Law
LLM International Economic Law
LLM International Law
LLM International Law and Security
LLM International Law of Global Security
MSc Enhanced Practice in Education
MLitt Environment, Culture and Communication
MSc Management and Sustainable Tourism
MSc Tourism Development and Culture
MSc Tourism, Heritage and Development
MSc Tourism, Heritage and Sustainability
School of Social and Political Sciences
School of Education
MSc Chinese Studies
MSc City Planning
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice
MSc Equality and Human Rights
MSc Global Economy
MSc Global Health
MSc Global Migrations and Social Justice
MSc Global Security
MSc History
MSc Human Rights and International Politics
MSc International Real Estate
MSc International Relations
MSc Media, Communications and International Journalism
MSc Political Communication
MSc Public and Urban Policy
MSc Public Policy and Management
MSc Real Estate
MSc Sociology
MSc Transnational Crime, Justice and Security
MSc Urban Analytics / Transport
MEd Adult Education, Community Development and Youth Work
MEd Childhood Practice
MEd Children's Literature and Literacies
MSc Education, Public Policy and Equity
MEd Educational Leadership
MEd/MSc Educational Studies
MSc Educational Studies for Adult, Youth and Community Contexts
MEd Inclusive Education: Research, Policy and Practice
MSc Museum Education
MEd Professional Practice with PGDE
MSc Psychological Studies (conversion)
Adam Smith Business School
MSc Asset Pricing and Investment
MBA Business Administration
MSc Corporate Governance and Accountability
MSc Development Studies
MSc Economic Development
MSc Economics, Banking and Finance
MSc Environment and Sustainable Development
MSc Finance and Economic Development
MSc Finance and Management
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Financial Forecasting and Investment
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Financial Technology
MGB Global Business
MSc Geomatics and Management
MAcc International Accounting and Financial Management
MFin International Finance
MSc International Banking and Finance
MSc International Business
MSc International Corporate Finance and Banking
MSc International Financial Analysis
MSc International Human Resource Management and Development
MSc International Management and Design Innovation
MSc International Strategic Marketing
MSc Investment Banking and Finance
MSc Investment Fund Management
MSc Management
MSc Management and Sustainable Tourism
MSc Management with Enterprise and Business Growth
MSc Management with Human Resources
MSc Management with International Finance
MSc Quantitative Finance
School of Psychology
School of Chemistry
MSc Brain Sciences
MSc Psychological Science (conversion)
MSc Research Methods of Psychological Science
MSc Chemistry
MSc Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
School of Physics and Astronomy
School of Mathematics and Statistics
MSc Advanced Functional Materials
MSc Astrophysics
MSc Nuclear and Environmental Physics
MSc Quantum Technology
MSc Sensor and Imaging Systems
MSc Theoretical Physics
MSc Biostatistics
MSc Data Analytics
MSc Environmental Statistics
MSc Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
MSc Statistics
School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
School of Computing Science
MSc Geoinformation Technology and Cartography
MSc Geomatics and Management
MSc Geospatial and Mapping Sciences
MSc Land and Hydrographic Surveying
MSc Sustainable Water Environments
MSc Computing Science
MSc Data Science
MSc Information Security
MSc Information Technology
MSc IT Cyber Security
MSc Software Development
James Watt School of Engineering
MSc Aerospace Engineering
MSc Aerospace Engineering and Management
MSc Biomedical Engineering
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Civil Engineering and Management
MSc Computer Systems Engineering
MSc Electronics and Electrical Engineering
MSc Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management
MSc Electronics and Photonics Manufacturing
MSc Mechanical Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering and Management
MSc Mechatronics
MSc Medical Devices Engineering
MSc Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
MSc Product Design Engineering
MSc Quantum Technology
MSc Structural Engineering
MSc Sustainable Energy
School of Life Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
MSc Bioinformatics
MSc Biomedical Sciences
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Biotechnology and Management
MSc Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy
MSc Advanced Practice in Veterinary Nursing
MSc Animal Nutrition Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
MSc One Health
MSc One Health
MSc Animal Nutrition
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing
MSc Advanced Nursing Science
MSc Cancer Research and Precision Oncology
MSc Chemical Biology
MSc Conservation Management of African Ecosystems
MSc Clinical Anaesthesia
MSc Critical Care (with specialize pathways)
MSc Developing and Evaluating Interventions
MSc Digital Health Interventions
MSc Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance
MSc Food Security
MSc Global Health
MSc Global Mental Health (with specialize pathways)
MSc Health Services Management
MSc Health Technology Assessment
MSc Health-Professions Education / Health Professions Education
MSc Immunology and Inflammatory Disease
MSc Infection Biology (with specialize pathways)
MSc Medical Physics
MSc Oral Sciences
MSc Palliative Care
MSc Population Health Sciences
MSc Precision Medicine and Pharmacological Innovation
MSc Precision Medicine (with specialize pathways)
MSc Primary Health Care
MPH Public Health (with specialize pathways)
MSc Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity, Conservation and Epidemiology
MSc Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine
MSc Stem Cell Engineering for Regenerative Medicine
MSc Trauma Management